Angela Renea Denny Anders
Daughter of Mary Dragland and Glenn Denny

Hello, I am the daughter of Mary Dragland Denny, who you may know. I have been looking through your website and am amazed and so proud of all of the work you have done, and of my heritage. This is wonderful! I would love to be added to the directory and also have my personal website listed, which tells all about my family with many pictures and such, if you would like to include it on this website.
My line of decendants is through Lars Dragland, who was succeeded by Daniel Dragland (4th child) who was succeeded by Marvin Dragland (one of two children), who was succeeded by Mary Dragland, (one of seven children), who gave birth to myself, Angela Renea Denny (one of three children). I have married Jeremy Lynn Anders, and have given birth to the two daughters, Hannah Mykale Anders and Reagan Delane Anders. I am a homemaker, staying home to raise and homeschool our children in the Lord. My husband Jeremy is a skilled machinist, who works at Libbey Glass Company in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Thank you so much, it has been a pleasure to look through the site, and I thank you for all of the work you have put into it... Angie
My website:
My family is located in Karnack, Texas
Telephone: 903-687-2178